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Life School of Wisdom Stories based on your fingerprints

hand analysis life school palmistry sacred contracts soul agreement soul contract wisdom Jun 08, 2024

The Sacred Contract of the Life School of Wisdom

In the chart below see the Tented Arches which are the School of Wisdom fingerprint type.  This is the least common Life School

This is one of my two Schools - the other is the School of Love which I shared is in another post. 

As a reminder, the way I interpret Sacred Contracts is from your fingerprints, which are formed by 16 weeks after conception and never change. Other language includes Soul Contract and Soul Agreement.   

Sharing inner trusted wisdom is the overall picture for this School. Taking risks is a big part of the master path. 

Master Path School of Wisdom Story

I love to share my wisdom. In fact, it may be hard to shut me up once I get going! Well, that's not completely true. It's pretty easy to stop me by starting to talk over me or cutting me off. In my thinking, "that person must not be interested enough to keep listening"  so I stop talking.) 

For my own sanity and expressing my wisdom until I feel complete, I write. It's one of the easiest styles of sharing the inner truths I see and know.  Thus, in 2010 I created a regular place to do this which is my weekly newsletters. I learned the technology which changed over time, of course.

Then there are all the books I've written (16) and audios (49) I've created plus youtube videos. All of these I do in my timing, my style and without outside voices telling me what I can and can't share. It means I trust my inner wisdom and it's such a deep, profound pleasure for me.

Student Path School of Wisdom Story

The student path is withholding wisdom, and not trusting it. The image I learned in hands school is "not jumping off the diving board." 

One way not trusting inner wisdom looks like is spending too much time analyzing - analysis paralysis. Avoiding inner wisdom and getting too much into my head, trying to figure things out. It's exhausting! 

My dear friend Dawn tells me that when I'm not trusting it's hard to listen to me. I so get it. So now when I'm a place of confusion, I preface the conversation with, "I'm needing to talk this through until I get to the bottom line or the inner wisdom." It releases the tension of me not trusting myself.

Of course, there are areas of life that are new - where I'm stretching into a new concept or style of living. It takes time and patience and SO MUCH INNER TRUST that I'm on the right track. Every time i've changed technology for my customer relationship database, it's been a journey of trust/not trust I can do it. That's happened a few times in my career. 

Here's one example: In 2016 I was "on the road" with no specific date of when I would land some place. I left the house I was renting in Los Angeles, put things in storage I wanted to keep, (clothes, art supplies, electronic equipment) and traveled with what I could fit in my compact car. All over California. I would be back in LA about once a month, visiting the storage unit, to change out clothes or whatever.

It required so much trust. There were days when I felt anxiety was off the charts.  I wondered "when am I going to know where I'm living next?" That was a constant lack of trust experience. Some days I could relax around it and others I was frantically looking for the "right housing." Of course, nothing appeared until it was the right timing, which was 6 months later!!!!

I landed back in Palm Springs in the California desert, where I SWORE I would never live again, after having left in 2007. I stayed for 3 years!

That trip, I learned retrospectively, was all about TRUST MY INNER WISDOM. And it was a doozy of a way to learn.


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